Onomatopee Modes of Criticism

Modes of Criticism #3
Modes of Criticism #3
Edited by Francisco Laranjo. Text by Els Kuijpers, Angela Mitropoulos, Laura Gordon, Decolonising Design Group, Silvio Lorusso, Luke Pendrell, James Trafford.

Modes of Criticism is a design criticism journal published annually. It examines what is meant by "criticality" in design, and works towards the politicization of its discourse and practice through a variety of disciplinary intersections.The >>more

ISBN 9789491677779
US $15.00 CAN $24.95 TRADE
Pbk, 5.1 x 8.2 in. / 96 pgs / 23 color / 71 b&w.
Pub Date: 09/20/2017 Out of stock

Modes of Criticism 4: Radical Pedagogy
Modes of Criticism 4: Radical Pedagogy
Edited by Francisco Laranjo. Text by Hannah Ellis, Danah Abdulla, Tanveer Ahmed, Anne-Marie Willis, Kenneth FitzGerald, Anja Groten, depatriarchise design.

This book argues that, over the past 15 years, there has been a consistent deterioration of democracy in tandem with the establishment of the marketization and monetization of design education. Navigating difficult external political contexts >>more

Onomatopee Projects
ISBN 9789493148130
US $18.00 CAN $25.00 TRADE
Pbk, 5.5 x 8.5 in. / 96 pgs / 96 color.
Pub Date: 09/01/2020 Out of stock

Modes of Criticism 5
Modes of Criticism 5
Edited with text by Francisco Laranjo. Text by Luiza Prado, Pedro Oliveira, ACED, Ruben Pater, Demystification Committee, Shannon Mattern, Ian Lynam, Georgina Voss.

In graphic design, the concept of systems is profoundly rooted in form. Starting from a series of design research residencies in the context of the Porto Design Biennale, this volume proposes a variety of social >>more

Onomatopee Projects
ISBN 9789493148215
US $14.00 CAN $20.00 FLAT40
Pbk, 5.25 x 8.25 in. / 118 pgs / 9 color / 7 b&w.
Pub Date: 09/01/2020 Out of stock